Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013


For the most part I do not know my neighbors.  On one side of my house I have the Taxi Cab family and on the other side I have the transient residence for folks moving to America from overseas.  Across the street I have the lady that doesn't like my leaf blower - but she spends time outside growing things.  Scattered throughout the neighborhood I know three families that have lived in this neighborhood, like me, since it was built in 1983.  For the most part the neighbors on either side seemed to have been antagonist to my wife's existence.  I can't count the number of times she would remark about them not mowing, not spraying for weeds,  having too many people in their homes, parking the wrong way and so on.   I never interacted with the neighbors and really thought that they disliked my wife just based on the number of times I saw my wife yell at their kids for riding the bikes on our grass, or throwing a ball in the yard. 

About a month ago the transient residents stopped my sister-in-law and asked about Mary.  Pat explained that Mary had died.  She said the neighbors offered their condolences and even offered to come over an cook a meal for me if I really needed it.

Yesterday the taxi cab family wife waved me over to her as I was returning home from a class.  She asked if everything was OK because she had not seen my wife in a long time.  I explained to her that my wife had died last September.  She seemed honestly concerned and expressed her condolences.  Her English is a bit rough but we stood and talked for a bit and she showed me where her pacemaker had been installed. 

Who knew?  I was flabbergasted to think that these ladies ever talked to my wife and had a civil conversation, but evidently there was more to my wife's daily existence then yelling at neighborhood kids.  Mary didn't communicate the simple things in her life to me.  She conveyed the extremes.  The really, really good things like CCD and NASCAR, and the really, really bad things like neighbor kids, bad drivers and people who don't know how to do their own taxes (I guess I was an exception on the last one.). 

Things need to be different.  I can't go back an right my perceived wrongs of the past.  I can work to make it different in the future. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kind of a before and now pictures.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kitchen Continued

The work in the kitchen continues.  I talked to the contractor today and he said it should be all wrapped up by a week from Friday.

The light fixtures are all in, the dishwasher as been added, the mop board has been installed all the way around and the measurements are all done for the counter top which is suppose to arrive next Monday.  The issues that have popped up concern the size of the stove and it's configuration.  With all the knobs on the front, the dishwasher had to be moved over and the sink had to move so the dishwasher would clear the stove.  It is an experience and now that I've been through it once I have ideas on how to do it better next time, but I don't imagine a next time.  In the second picture above, the pantry is about center on the picture.  It has shelves.drawers that pull out to allow ease of access.  I didn't order them, the contractor did that for me.   They are very nice, good addition.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

I'm very happy with what I selected for the kitchen appliances.  The refrigerator is very quiet and is working well and the stove includes a heating box (bottom drawer) and it is a convection oven with lots of features that I may never figure out.  Supposedly the counter top will be ordered this week and installed next week, fingers crossed.  The speed of the effort isn't break neck, but it is getting done.