I'm throwing the Bullshit Flag on this folks. One too many times in the past three months someone has said "Well it is good that she died in her sleep". BULL F___ING SHIT!!!
You might as well just shorten that sentence a realize how stupid it sounds. "Well it is good that she died." F___ all you peckerheads that think death is a good thing.
Yes we can argue. How painful would it have been for a 2-3 year illness to result in the death of my wife.
But what you can't realize is how painful it is to have lived together for 40 years and overnight, the one constant in life is taken away. And as it is taken away it rips apart every other constant I've known. You can ask family members - they'll tell you that I'm clinging onto the stupidest items, and I can't tell you why. The plastic spoon, the NASCAR magnet. And at the same time I'm trying to jettison so many other things that no longer seem to hold any essence. Why the spoon? Why not the dress? I don't know.
There are a thousand questions that run through my mind at night, keep me awake, or wake me up. Questions that I can't answer. There is no closure. I didn't get to tell her how much I loved her. I didn't (and this is a frigging big one) I didn't get to say goodbye. I would like to think that there was a good reason we stayed together for 40 years, but that was never a discussion item. The last night with my wife we talked about how great a day it had been for her as she started two new CCD classes at the church. She was excited, happy, and as always with her classes, there was a sense of fulfillment.
I wish I would have asked, if she was happy with me. I wish we would have talked about things we were going to do like the upcoming races. I wish it would have been so much more of a "WE" moment rather that a liturgy of the days events and a kiss goodnight. I didn't tell her I loved her that night. The last time I told her I loved here was in a phone call the day before.
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